Massage For Mental Health

“How are you today?” “What is your area of focus?”

Typically these are the first questions Massage Therapists ask their clients before a session. Maybe I need to change the way I ask these questions.

In passing, when someone asks how you’re doing, we often say “good, how are you?” as a reflex, but are we being honest? As a Therapist, when we’re in the treatment room, I’m genuinely curious about your mental health, as much as I am the crick in your neck or the sciatica in your hip.

Please, tell me if you’re having a rough week, you child is driving you up a wall, your job is nagging you or you’re just plain feeling down without reason. I can use uplifting essential oils, edit my approach of focus, soften my tone and demeanor or not speak at all during our session to give you the space to just be. As Therapists, we’re there to help heal you mentally as well as physically. Please let us know how your mind is feeling along with that ache in your low back. We’ve experienced a challenging year, some of us with “touch starvation”. Massage is beneficial in fueling connection.

You might already know that massage lowers the stress hormone cortisol, in turn lessening the effects of anxiety and depression. Serotonin is also released, a hormone that stabilizes our mood and happiness. Endorphins produced by our bodies relieve stress and pain, working similarly to opioids. These are only a few of the “feel good hormones” that get released during massage.

Not all stress is negative. Short-term stress can actually boost the immune system, but chronic stress can significantly effect our immune systems, manifesting into illness.

So, how are you feeling today, really? Hold hands with a loved one, give them a 10 second hug, stand out in the sunshine, wrap yourself up in a blanket, take a walk and most importantly, get a massage!


How I became the Massage Therapist That I Am Today


Why Do I Use My Modalities?