Why Do I Use My Modalities?

I’ll start of by deeply thanking the many mentors, Massage Therapist friends and colleagues I’ve had over the years. By receiving bodywork from these brilliant souls and talking about our craft, I’ve been led to the place I am in today.

Touch is a very specific feeling. What you find healing, might not be what your neighbor finds healing and that’s okay! There is a professional for everyone. Of course I’ve received many massages over the years. From being a “guinea pig” for new hires at my job when they’re learning a new service or add-on, to just trying out fellow therapists in my place of work. All of that receiving gave me a deeper connection to myself, allowing me to listen to what my body needs and what it responds the best to.

I was at a point in my career where I was working harder and not smarter. With my smaller stature, I needed to find a modality that worked for me and my clients and gave me the stamina to work longer without fatiguing. That’s when a coworker brought up Myofascial Release, a gentle sustained pressure to elongate connective tissue restrictions. After taking this class, I realized that I no longer had to dig into my clients with hulk force or white knuckles. I want a long lasting career without injury and this modality saved my hands! This tool taught me patience as well. Their muscles would release on their own, without me forcing a reaction. Plus, it’s in my nature to help people feel their best. I didn’t want my clients to leave with bruises or tissue damage from me carelessly trying to push them into the floor to relieve their tension. This could have long lasting trauma to the muscles that could do more harm than good.

My style also focuses on posture, which led me to studying Trigger Point Release. Many of us have postural deficiencies from our day jobs and today’s technology, which leads us to compensation in other parts of our bodies. Trigger points are irritable and palpable nodules in the muscle fascia that refers pain to other areas of the body. A great example is forward shoulders from sitting for long periods of time, driving and doing work that causes us to remain with our arms out in front of us. This repetition puts tension on our upper back, shoulders and even our necks. By focusing on elongating and releasing the front of our chest, we are taking tension off of our shoulders and even allowing circulation to our forearms and hands. Everything in our body is connected and works as one unit. I always look at the body as a whole and figure out why it’s working the way that it is.

Lastly, Reflexology or “zone therapy”. I was intrigued that you could find energetic blockages in the body by palpating the feet, hands or ears. I specifically work with the feet. I studied this modality when I had down time during lockdown. Our feet get used and abused and carry us through our lives without much care in return. Reflexology can bring our bodies back to a balanced state and deep relaxation by opening neural pathways that benefit our central nervous system. This allows our brains to improve cognitive strengths and work more efficiently. As we get older nerves can loose sensitivity. This is another reason why stimulating these nerve endings in the feet can increase nerve function and reactivity.

Cupping Therapy - COMING IN OCTOBER 2021! Stay tuned.


Massage For Mental Health


How I got into massage.